Yellow native blooms abound across the Chesapeake watershed in August. These are easy to care for, pollinator friendly perennials for sale near you that are fun to grow!
The native perennial sunflower (Helianthus divaricatus) above is a loosely growing perennial that thrives in part shade and is tolerant of all sorts of soils. It can grow to 2′ to 6′. Given its loose form, it’s best for a natural style of planting.
Black eyed susans (Rudbeckia), below, are easy to grow, dependable, long flowering staples of August gardens in the Chesapeake. They grow well in our clay soils and most will spread or can be easily divided. There are several rudbeckia native to the Chesapeake and you can make your choices based on whether you have full sun or part shade, dry or moist soil and a preference for a long lived perennial or are amenable to a shorter lived one. Rudbeckias brighten any spot and are a really great way to fill in for an abundant August garden.
Rudbeckia fulgida, above, is most common across the Chesapeake watershed. In August there is no more prolific a bloomer in sun or part shade. Pollinators love it and birds will eat the seeds well into winter. If you grow black eyed susans, please consider leaving the seed heads until a spring clean up. You’ll be doing the birds a big favor.
Rudbeckia triloba is a smaller rudbeckia with gold flowers with brown centers that lives only a season or two. However, it reseeds readily and is a great filler plant if you have bare spots you want to cover or an area that you are not ready to plant permanently yet but want to fill.
Cut leafed coneflower (Rudbeckia lacianata) above is a tall Rudbeckia, 5′ to 6′ with yellow flowers around a lime green center. Since these are taller, they will flop if not cut back by at least a third in late June or so. This rudbeckia grows better in moist soils. It’s a tall perennial and doesn’t grow as densely as black eyed susan. They are great for the back of borders or any place you want a tall flower.
Tickseed (Coreopsis) is another easy to grow perennial and the shortest of the bunch here but is still 2 to 3 feet high and has a long bloom period. It tolerates a variety of soils and can withstand drought and moister conditions.
More information:
For a list and description of the many cultivars of rudbeckia from the Clemson University Extension Service, please click here.
For a list and ratings of ten commonly available tickseeds by the Mt. Cuba Center, please click here.