Plant sales & classes

Droughty Summer:
For those of you experiencing the very dry gardening conditions this summer, I am hoping you are seeing perennials that went dormant begin to green up again, as I am. It’s also worth a shot to give any shrubs that look like they didn’t make it a chance to push new growth. Several winterberries and a witch hazel I thought were goners have recently done just that!
Native Plant Nursery Updates:

Bona Terra
Bona Terra, the local ecotype native plant nursery, is moving! This portends good things for native plant availability but in the meantime, during the move from Friendship in Anne Arundel County to Indian Head in Charles County, you can still order plants and seeds. A pick-up option in Washington D.C. is available as well as upcoming free delivery days in September for Montgomery, Howard, Prince Georges counties, Washington D.C. and the Arlington - Alexandria area. Check here for plant availability.

Adkins Arboretum
The Fall Native Plant sale is on. Today is the last day for on-line orders for pick-up later this fall! More information can be found here and you can order plants here.

Butterfly Alley
This southern Maryland outlet for plugs and more plugs is opening for fall sales on Friday, September 20th. You can pre-order plugs for pick-up that weekend. They also have a pre-order option for shrubs and trees.

Upcoming Classes:
Mt. Cuba Center has announced it's fall and winter virtual class line-up. "Cultivating a Native Lawn" looks very interesting. Taught by Todd Bittner, the Director of Natural Areas for the Cornell Botanical Garden, this class is all about growing a lush lawn with native grasses and forbs.
If you are looking to make more of an investment in your native plant education, Mt. Cuba is also offering Native Plants of Fall, a six part virtual class and an in-person 2 hour garden tour, that also counts toward Mt. Cuba's Certificate in Ecological Gardening. The class will enable you to identify 60 trees, shrubs and perennials!
Happy Gardening.
We've had opposite conditions this summer--much more rain than normal for us through July, and recently just enough rain that I've barely needed to water plants. This is a great service you provide to share the locations of your local plant sales. Have a great week!